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During a bachelor programme at the TU Delft it is obligatory to follow a minor. Usually, a student will start a minor during the first semester of the third year (fifth semester). A minor is meant to either broaden your field of knowledge, or to dig deeper into a subject of your current study. You can choose to do your minor at the TU Delft or at another university. For more information about the possibilities, click here.

Minor guide
Choosing a minor is hard enough, you have to choose between Leiden, Delft, some other university in the Netherands or even abroad. To support our students in choosing their minor, TG and CDL have composed a minor guide with an overview of student's experiences with various minors. These experiences allow you to see how older Molecular Science & Technology students experienced their minor education. The minor guide can be found here.

Your minor experience is very valuable to students in years below you. Have you done a minor yourself, and want to share your experience, please fill out this form


Royal Haskoning
Gunvor Energy