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About Technologisch Gezelschap

Technologisch Gezelschap (TG) is the study association for all chemical technological programmes at Delft University of Technology. This includes the bachelor programme Molecular Science & Technology and the master programme Chemical Engineering. At this moment TG has around 950 members. The name Technologisch Gezelschap can loosely be translated to Technological society.

Since 1890 TG represents and looks after student interests and is one of the oldest study associations of The Netherlands. The association has many old traditions and her own unique character but always strives to be innovative.

To accomplish her goals, TG organises many different activities each year, from excursions to lectures, symposia and a foreign excursion tour. In collaboration with four other study associations in Delft, TG also organises 'De Delftse Bedrijvendagen', the largest technical career fair in The Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg.


Another important task of TG is watching over the quality of education. The Chemical Engineering programme is of the most highly rated programmes in the world and we strive to continuously maintain and improve the programmes. Many committees led by our Commissioner of Education strive to evaluate courses and make sure the feedback reaches the proper responsible person. For questions, remarks or a chat you can always visit our board office. You are our eyes and ears. For education related contact e-mail to


Being a member of TG gives you many advantages. As TG member you can participate in all our activities for just a few euros. You get our quarter yearly magazine and our yearbook for free. Yearly, TG also organises many fun activities and each thursday there is an open bar called 'Bar het Lab' where you can grab a drink with your study mates.

For many people TG is a social platform for the Delft Chemical Technologist. Each year around 150 new bachelor students and 150 new master students join us.

Of all these members around 90 enthusiastic members fill all our committees. On this page you can see what all these people do for the association. All the work provided by the board and all committee members is on a voluntary basis, this makes all the activities cheap and accessible.

For more information you can drop by and have a good coffee and a chat in our board room in the Applied Sciences building (C0.050).

Delft Career Days

Since 1996, 'Delft Career Days' has been the best way for students and companies to get in touch with each other for internships, jobs and graduation projects. Last edition, over 150 companies participated in total, and approximately two-thirds of all Delft University of Technology students participated in 'De Delftse Bedrijvendagen' once during their time as students.

'Delft Career Days' was established to promote two goals:

  • Bringing students into contact with the business community to help them find a job, an internship or a graduation project.
  • To give the industry insight into graduating Delft.

One of the proudest events organized partly by TG are Delft Career Days. For more info about these unique events visit the DCD website.

Delft Career Platform

In the summer of 2016, Delft Career Platform was founded by five study associations at Delft University of Technology. They believed that together they would be able to offer all students in Delft a better link to their future employers. Meet all five associations and learn more about our vision on Delft Career Platform.

Prior to the launch of Delft Career Platform, students in Delft had no unique platform dedicated to offering a quick online way of finding an employer looking for them specifically. The TU Delft student is much sought after throughout Dutch industry, something that was recognised by multiple study associations.

The study associations affiliated with Mechanical Engineering, Molecular Science & Technology, Civil Engineering, Applied Physics and Aerospace Engineering decided to act. All associations are very dedicated to their own faculty's students, but nontheless shared the desire to allow the students to interact with the many different industries through a single medium. It was time for a change! 

It is our vision that by establishing Delft Career Platform, students from Delft can now easily search for a graduation project, internship or their first job through. Most importantly, all these opportunities are tailored to them specifically. The TU Delft student is engaging, analytical, flexible - and without a doubt a top candidate to all companies on our platform!


Gunvor Energy
Royal Haskoning