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Algemene Leden Vergadering

Pizzalijst ALV

Choose your pizza from the following list:

  1. Margherita
  2. Prosciutto
  3. Salami
  4. Funghi
  5. Al tonno
  6. Quattro Formaggio
  7. Vegetariana
  8. Parma E Rucola
  9. Bresaloa E Rucola
  10. Salmone
  11. Calzone (open)
  12. Vesuvio
  13. Siciliana
  14. Quattro Stagioni
  15. Pollo
  16. Marianra
  17. Hawai
  18. Mozzarella
  19. Borromea
  20. Italia
  21. Vulcano
  22. Shoarma
  23. Sabrina
  24. Pizza Doner
  25. Bella
  26. Milano
  27. Grandiosa
  28. Ciao Ciao
  29. Alla Chef

For further information about the pizzas:


Royal Haskoning