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Friesland Campina: Lecture with Drinks - ONLY MASTERS


On September 30th FrieslandCampina will give a lecture during the Drinks in Bar 't Lab.
It will take place from 16:30 till 18:00 and you get two free drinks.
They will inform you more about what they do and what it is like to work there.
Due to the corona virus only 20 places are available at the moment. So sign up fast!

The story of FrieslandCampina and their relationship with milk began in 1871. This was the year farmers decided to join forces in local cooperative dairy factories. By doing so, they could strengthen their market position and ensure sales of their milk. Today, FrieslandCampina is one of the world’s largest dairy companies. Every day, they provide millions of consumers all over the world with valuable nutrition from milk. Not only in the form of milk itself, but with all kinds of dairy products they make from milk.

FrieslandCampina supplies consumer products, such as milk, yogurt, cheese, infant nutrition and desserts, products for the professional market, such as cream and butter products, ingredients and semi-finished products for producers of infant nutrition, the food industry and the pharmaceutical sector. They have branches in 38 countries and exports to more than one hundred countries worldwide. At year-end 2020, FrieslandCampina employed 23,783 workers (FTEs).


Royal Haskoning